Did you recover one of our plastic tags? Please see below. We appreciate your help!
When you catch a shark or ray with a tag in it, we ask that you record the following information as accurately and completely as possible:
There are two ways you can report this information to us:
- Tag number and color
- Species and sex (males have claspers - see photo below)
- Date of capture
- Location caught (latitude and longitude preferred, but specific description works)
- Length and/or weight and whether it was estimated or measured
- Type of length (fork or total) and/or type of weight (whole or dressed)
- Fishing method (rod and reel, longline, etc.)
- Release condition: did you keep the shark or release it alive—if released alive, indicate whether released with the same tag, a different tag, or no tag and condition of the fish
- If you photographed the shark or ray, please send us the photo
There are two ways you can report this information to us:
- Email us at: [email protected] -and- [email protected] (using both emails assures we get your email)
- Mail in the information to FSC Shark Tagging Program, Department of Biology, Florida Southern College, 111 Lake Hollingsworth Dr., Lakeland, FL 33801